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A Service-based Linux Installer

  • https://agama.local

    Modern web-based user interface

    Connect to the installer either locally or from a remote device using a regular web browser.

  • Powerful command-line interface

    Drive and monitor the installation process using its 1st class command-line interface.

  • profile.json
    "localization": {
    "keyboard": "us",
    "language": "en_US"
    "software": {
    "patterns": [
    "product": {
    "id": "Tumbleweed"
    "storage": {
    "guided": {
    "boot": {
    "configure": true,
    "device": "/dev/dm-1"
    "user": {
    "fullName": "Jane Doe",
    "password": "123456",
    "userName": "jane.doe"
    "root": {
    "password": "nots3cr3t",
    "sshPublicKey": "..."
    "network": {
    "connections": [
    "id": "Ethernet network device 1",
    "method4": "manual",
    "method6": "manual",
    "interface": "eth0",
    "addresses": [
    "gateway4": "",
    "gateway6": "::ffff:c0a8:7a01",
    "nameservers": [

    Easy automation and integration

    Automate the installation process using either the command-line interface or the HTTP API and integrate it into your worklow.