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Command-line interface reference

This document contains the help content for the agama command-line program.

Command Overview:


Agama's command-line interface

This program allows inspecting or changing Agama's configuration, handling installation profiles, starting the installation, monitoring the process, etc.

Please, use the "help" command to learn more.

Usage: agama <COMMAND>

  • config — Inspect or change the installation settings
  • probe — Analyze the system
  • install — Start the system installation
  • profile — Manage auto-installation profiles (retrieving, applying, etc.)
  • questions — Handle installer questions
  • logs — Collect the installer logs
  • auth — Authenticate with Agama's server
  • download — Download file from given URL

agama config

Inspect or change the installation settings.

You can inspect and change installation settings from the command-line. The "show" subcommand generates a "profile" which is a JSON document describing the current configuration.

If you want to change any configuration value, you can load a profile (complete or partial) using the "load" subcommand.

Usage: agama config <COMMAND>

  • show — Generate an installation profile with the current settings
  • load — Read and load a profile from the standard input
  • edit — Edit and update installation option using an external editor

agama config show

Generate an installation profile with the current settings.

It is possible that many configuration settings do not have a value. Those settings are not included in the output.

The output of command can be used as input for the "agama config load".

Usage: agama config show

agama config load

Read and load a profile from the standard input

Usage: agama config load

agama config edit

Edit and update installation option using an external editor.

The changes are not applied if the editor exits with an error code.

If an editor is not specified, it honors the EDITOR environment variable. It falls back to /usr/bin/vi as a last resort.

Usage: agama config edit [OPTIONS]

  • -e, --editor <EDITOR> — Editor command (including additional arguments if needed)

agama probe

Analyze the system.

In Agama's jargon, the term 'probing' refers to the process of 'analyzing' the system. This includes reading software repositories, analyzing storage devices, and more. The 'probe' command initiates this analysis process and returns immediately. TODO: do we really need a "probe" action?

Usage: agama probe

agama install

Start the system installation.

This command starts the installation process. Beware it is a destructive operation because it will set up the storage devices, install the packages, etc.

When the preconditions for the installation are not met, it informs the user and returns, making no changes to the system.

Usage: agama install

agama profile

Manage auto-installation profiles (retrieving, applying, etc.)

Usage: agama profile <COMMAND>

  • autoyast — Download the autoyast profile and print resulting json
  • validate — Validate a profile using JSON Schema
  • evaluate — Evaluate a profile, injecting the hardware information from D-Bus
  • import — Process autoinstallation profile and loads it into agama

agama profile autoyast

Download the autoyast profile and print resulting json

Usage: agama profile autoyast <URL>

  • <URL> — AutoYaST profile's URL. Any AutoYaST scheme, ERB and rules/classes are supported. all schemas that autoyast supports

agama profile validate

Validate a profile using JSON Schema

Schema is available at /usr/share/agama-cli/profile.schema.json

Usage: agama profile validate <PATH>

  • <PATH> — Local path to the JSON file to validate

agama profile evaluate

Evaluate a profile, injecting the hardware information from D-Bus

For an example of Jsonnet-based profile, see

Usage: agama profile evaluate <PATH>

  • <PATH> — Path to jsonnet file

agama profile import

Process autoinstallation profile and loads it into agama

This is top level command that do all autoinstallation processing beside starting installation. Unless there is a need to inject additional commands between processing use this command instead of set of underlying commands.

Usage: agama profile import <URL> [DIR]

  • <URL> — Profile's URL. Supports the same schemas than te "download" command plus AutoYaST specific ones. Supported files are json, jsonnet, sh for Agama profiles and ERB, XML, and rules/classes directories for AutoYaST support
  • <DIR> — Specific directory where all processing happens. By default it uses a temporary directory

agama questions

Handle installer questions.

Agama might require user intervention at any time. The reasons include providing some missing information (e.g., the password to decrypt a file system) or deciding what to do in case of an error (e.g., cannot connect to the repository).

This command allows answering such questions directly from the command-line.

Usage: agama questions <COMMAND>

  • mode — Set the mode for answering questions
  • answers — Load predefined answers
  • list — Prints the list of questions that are waiting for an answer in JSON format
  • ask — Reads a question definition in JSON from stdin and prints the response when it is answered

agama questions mode

Set the mode for answering questions

Usage: agama questions mode <VALUE>

  • <VALUE>

    Possible values:

    • interactive: Ask the user and block the installation
    • non-interactive: Do not block the installation

agama questions answers

Load predefined answers.

It allows predefining answers for specific questions in order to skip them in interactive mode or change the answer in automatic mode.

Please check Agama documentation for more details and examples:

Usage: agama questions answers <PATH>

  • <PATH> — Path to a file containing the answers in YAML format

agama questions list

Prints the list of questions that are waiting for an answer in JSON format

Usage: agama questions list

agama questions ask

Reads a question definition in JSON from stdin and prints the response when it is answered

Usage: agama questions ask

agama logs

Collect the installer logs.

The installer logs are stored in a compressed archive for further inspection. The file includes system and Agama-specific logs and configuration files. They are crucial to troubleshoot and debug problems.

Usage: agama logs <COMMAND>

  • store — Collect and store the logs in a tar archive
  • list — List the logs to collect

agama logs store

Collect and store the logs in a tar archive

Usage: agama logs store [OPTIONS]

  • -v, --verbose — Verbose output
  • -d, --destination <DESTINATION> — Path to destination directory and, optionally, the archive file name. The extension will be added automatically

agama logs list

List the logs to collect

Usage: agama logs list

agama auth

Authenticate with Agama's server.

Unless you are executing this program as root, you need to authenticate with Agama's server for most operations. You can log in by specifying the root password through the "auth login" command. Upon successful authentication, the server returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) which is stored to authenticate the following requests.

If you run this program as root, you can skip the authentication step because it automatically uses the master token at /run/agama/token. Only the root user must have access to such a file.

You can logout at any time by using the "auth logout" command, although this command does not affect the root user.

Usage: agama auth <COMMAND>

  • login — Authenticate with Agama's server and store the token
  • logout — Deauthenticate by removing the token
  • show — Print the used token to the standard output

agama auth login

Authenticate with Agama's server and store the token.

This command tries to get the password from the standard input. If it is not there, it asks the user interactively. Upon successful login, it stores the token in .agama/agama-jwt. The token will be automatically sent to authenticate the following requests.

Usage: agama auth login

agama auth logout

Deauthenticate by removing the token

Usage: agama auth logout

agama auth show

Print the used token to the standard output

Usage: agama auth show

agama download

Download file from given URL

The purpose of this command is to download files using AutoYaST supported schemas (e.g. device:// or relurl://). It can be used to download additional scripts, configuration files and so on. You can use it for downloading Agama autoinstallation profiles. However, unless you need additional processing, the "agama profile import" is recommended. If you want to convert an AutoYaST profile, use "agama profile autoyast".

Usage: agama download <URL>

  • <URL> — URL pointing to file for download

agama finish

Finish the installation rebooting the system by default

Usage: agama finish [METHOD]

  • <METHOD> — Action to be done at the end of the installation

Possible values:

  • stop: Stop the installation at its end, at the "Congratulations! [Reboot]" screen, leaving the backend running
  • reboot (default): Reboot into the installed system
  • halt: Halt the installed machine
  • poweroff: Poweroff the installed machine