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13 posts tagged with "Release"

Releasing a new version

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Releasing version 12 and a roadmap

6 min read

Agama development goes on at good pace and, approximately one month after our latest blog post, we have more news for you. Not only a new version of Agama with a completely refreshed user interface and other significant changes, but also some information about the future.

Releasing version 11

8 min read

The first beta versions of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 16 are almost around the corner and openSUSE Leap 16 is already at alpha phase. So the YaST Team (or should we already say the Agama Team?) has focused during the last couple of weeks on providing a better installation experience for both families of distributions. Agama 11 is the result, so let's see what's new on this release.

Releasing version 10

7 min read

As you can see we have a new place for our Agama blog! So let's start with announcing the Agama version 10 release at this new place! 馃帀

Releasing version 9

4 min read

Agama 8 was a massive release. It took almost five months of work and, as a result, Agama got a new HTTP API and a more powerful user interface for setting up storage devices. Not that bad, uh?

Releasing version 8

5 min read

The YaST Team is back with more news about Agama. On our previous post we exposed the first two steps of our roadmap for 2024: a more powerful user interface for the storage setup and a new Cockpit-free architecture with a better API for external callers. Now we are proud to announce Agama 8, delivering initial versions of both features.

Releasing version 7

6 min read

It's vacation season in Europe and most of the YaST development team will be busy for a couple of weeks singing Chistmas songs, celebrating the arrival of a new year and opening presents from the Three Wise Men. But we didn't want to leave the openSUSE fans idle for so long. So we decided to release another prototype of Agama, so you can have fun testing it and giving us feedback.

Releasing version 4

6 min read

After publishing Agama 3 a month ago, it is time for a new release. Among other things, this new version fixes several issues in the startup process, allows the use of a network proxy, adds (partial) support for IPv6, includes a few improvements in the web UI and features a new tool to extract Agama-related logs.

Summer activities in Agama and ALP

5 min read

After almost five months without blogging we are back to confirm the YaST Team is still alive and kicking! Among many other things, we have been working lately on several internal aspects of Agama, the project previously known as D-Installer. And since SUSE is publishing an early preview of the first ALP-based product that will be released next year, we decided it was time to put a new version of Agama out, so you can use it to take a look to ALP Dolomite from a different angle.

Releasing version 0.8

7 min read

Six weeks ago we announced D-Installer 0.7 and a lot has happened since then. The most important news is that we just released a new prototype with version 0.8, integrating several exciting new features we will go through in this post. But this prototype is not only important because of those features, but also because it will be the last D-Installer release! Fear not, we are not abandoning the project... quite the opposite.

Releasing version 0.7

5 min read

Although we have been actively working on YaST and D-Installer, we have been silent since the beginning of December. We are sorry for that! Today we are resuming our blogging activity announcing the availability of D-Installer 0.7. Let's look at what it is new and what you can expect from the upcoming releases.

D-Installer needs your help

5 min read

Now that the headline got your attention, let's start with the good news - D-Installer development is progressing just fine. What's the matter then? To answer that question is important to make a difference between D-Installer itself and the live ISO image we provide for everyone to test it.